Thursday, 28 April 2011


Hi there!

Spring has come - or is it summer already?
Anyway, during the last few weeks my count of photo shoots rose in proportion to temperature, so I had two (in numbers: 2!!) shoots since then.
My dear fellow student Eva's been contemplating buying a DSLR for some time now. She still hasn't bought a camera (yet), but wanted to practise a bit. Charitable as I am *cough*, I offered my DSLR for her to use and myself as a willing model - oh, selfless me! XD
Today, I want to write about the first of the two shoots we had:

On April 14th we went to Gardens of the World, which is a huge park, seperated into multiple smaller gardens which are inspired by gardens all over the world. There's a Chinese Garden , a Japanese Garden (where we took most of the pictures of our Ôkami shoot), an Oriental Garden and so on. This time, we used the Italian Renaissance Garden as location, because I think the fountain, the marble statues and the yellow-ish buildings create a fitting setting for our Hetalia costumes.
My sister and I had decided to wear Austria and Hungary again, because we've only worn them once at AniMaCo 2010 and still had a lot of ideas about some more pictures in our head.
On of them was the scattered-sheets-of-music-concept. I think we took a gazillion pictures (more or less...), but the wind just wouldn't blow as we wanted it to. Which is why I will work on my elements-controlling superpowers from now on. So in the end I took about ten single images and merged them into one using PS. I think most of my effort in editing went into these pictures ...
This is just a random sentence because I wanted to know who acutally read this and who just scrolled down to the pictures.XDD The shoot took quite some time, about four to five hours, but we were hardly bothered by other visitors (or rather: we didn't bother them), because it was a weekday and the weather was sunny but considerably cold compared to the days before.

Here are the results of our first time ever collaboration:

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Date:April 14th, 2011
Location: Giardino della Bobolina, Gardens of the World, Berlin
Characters: My sister as Roderich Edelstein aka Austria, Yossi as Elizabeta Héderváry aka Hungary
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Photography: Eva, Yossi
Editing: Yossi

You can also see whole gallery on Animexx.
Eva's gallery is also in the making, once it's finished I'll post the link to her gallery too.

In case you're wondering about our second photo shoot:
That time we (Maddi, my sister and I) were wearing the Magic Knight Rayearth cosplays we wore at Bookfair Leipzig.
A report on that will follow, too. Until then, have this preview:

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