Sunday 4 July 2010

初ロリ 【preview】

As I told you before, today was the day when I was finally about to get some pretty pictures of my Nakajerine costume. BUT, of course, when I arrived at Krone's place, I realized that I'd forgotten some essential parts of my costume at home ○| ̄|_
Yes. And because I didn't exactly feel like driving home again and coming back (3 hours there and back), I asked Krone to take some pictures of me in some of her stuff.

And guess what? Today I had my first Lolita shoot.
It wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but reeeaaally awkward. I'm just way too tall for this. The shoot was fun, though, so have a preview picture until I get more:

Taken by Krone Thank you! ♥

So what did we learn today? Me = Lolita incompatible.

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