Wednesday, 29 October 2008

撮影会 : ぴあきゃろ

Back in my entry on Connichi I said that Maddi and me would be going to have a photoshoot with our Code Geass costumes on October 4th, but guess what? It never happened (´-ω-`)
Maddi caught a cold and because of the bad weather we postponed the photoshoot to... next spring (´;д;`)

Krone (who was supposed to be our photographer) agreed to do another photoshoot with me alone instead and so this time it is:

The shooting itself was quite fun, thanks to Krone, who is not only a skilled photographer, but was also very patient with me: For some reason several parts of my costume suddenly just started falling off during the shooting (I still don't know why, everything was fine when I wore it at Connichi), so before taking a new picture, she always had to check whether all ribbons, batches and carrots were where they're supposed to be.
Apart from my costume falling into pieces we had a lot of fun, even when it started raining in the afternoon.

The location was a tiny castle nearby. It was the perfect setting for Pia Carrot. Well, no. Actually, a perfect location would've been a café or an ice cream parlour, but there's NO WAY I would go to such a place wearing a costume... But the castle and it's park were just fine. It was Saturday around noon and it was quite windy, so there weren't hardly any people around
apart from some grannies who looked quite disturbed

As for the costume... It was done in a rush, so I'm not 100% satisfied with the outcome (but then again, I never am), but I like all the ribbons and laces and carrots and oh teh sweetness.
I still don't think the costume with all its ruffles and laces suits me at all, but Krone and her fabulous PS skills made me look good (≧ω≦ゞ). She's awesome, I can't wait for the Code Geass shooting.

So here are some of my favourites:



You can see the whole gallery at Animexx (German, no registration required)

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